Dark-Hunter Wiki


Aquila Penmerlin placed several areas behind a mystical barrier to protect mankind. Avalon, Camelot, Glastonbury, and Val Sans Retour are collectively known as Terre Derrière le Voile (French for "Land Behind the Veil") or the Shadowlands.

I, and the Merlins who remain, are going to raise a shield to limit the reach of Morgen and her people. Avalon and Camelot are going to be removed from the realm of man and will from this day forward be hidden behind a veil so that none of them will even know we exist.

Aquila, Knight of Darkness


The forces of good have amassed at Avalon under the leadership of Aquila Penmerlin.


The forces of evil dwell in Camelot under the leadership of Morgen Le Fey.


Glastonbury Tor

Tower of St. Michael's Church at Glastonbury Tor

Glastonbury is a neutral zone that was not supposed to be affected by the Penmerlin's magic.

’Tis said that when the great Penmerlin Aquila pulled Avalon and Camelot out of the human realm to protect the race of man from the fey queen’s army, part of Morgen’s court ran to the abbey, thinking they’d be safe from her powers. As they did so, it pulled the Merlin's magick here and damned the unfortunate occupants to dwell in the shadows for all time.

Cadegan, Son of No One

It is home to the fey kings Gwyn ap Nudd and Gwythyr ap Greidawl, as well as their disputed queen Creiddylad. It is also where Cadegan and Illarion were trapped for centuries until the events of Son of No One. It is a colorless land populated by fell demons.

Val Sans Retour[]

French for "Valley of No Return," it is an area outside Camelot where the damned wander in eternal misery. Morgen condemns her former lovers there.

It was said to be the most horrible place in existence. Worse than even hell itself.

Sword of Darkness
